Skincare Assist

Skincare Assist

Skincare Assist

· Sundance Esthetics ·

Web · UI · UX · Product Management



Skin Assist was designed to guide clients in identifying and selecting the services that best suit their skincare needs. Through user feedback, I was able to identify client dissatisfaction with the services they had received. Upon further research, I noticed that dissatisfaction stemmed from booking services that did not meet the client's needs. It was my objective to develop a solution to better assist clients in selecting the appropriate services. The outcome was a rule-based skin quiz that gave results based upon user inputs.


Product Management

Before development begun I developed a questionnaire for clients to complete after services were rended to identify pain points. This questionnaire would serve as an initial foundation for developing the right solution.

Before any concept or design, I gathered user feedback to understand what was causing clients to be underwhelmed with their experience. At the end of each session, clients were given a quick survey to complete. Analyzing this data showed that 6% of our clients felt they didn’t select the best service for their concerns. Additionally, 12% stated they should have invested in consultation before booking a service. This information served as a great foundation to begin devising a solution.

Below are common themes I gathered from the feedback obtained.

User Frustrations

⚠️ Clients were not receiving services that met their needs

⚠️ Clients expressed dissatisfaction with results

⚠️ Retention rates were low due to dissatisfaction



Competitive Analysis

I completed competitive analysis to understand how competitors assist clients in choosing the right services. Quizzes stood out as the most popular and convenient option. However, unlike most skincare companies, Sundance Esthetics offers a large selection of services. This was a factor that could affect the accuracy of a quiz solution.


I developed a user persona that would help narrow down our instances and expound from there. This served as a great resource to point me in the right direction for a solution.



How Might We?

How might we solve these problems? I first explored the idea of a rule-based language chatbot. This feature would assist clients in finding the perfect service for their needs. As the chatbot is complex, it would be able to account for the many instances that are presented with different skin needs and issues. It would also be able to select the best service from our vast list of services. This concept was promising and showed true potential to assist clients.

The chatbot would generate responses to the users input based upon rules its been given. Each skin type and skin concern returns results that are complimentary to all previously given inputs from the user.


The user concludes this session by either declining booking, booking an appointment or being directed to call Sundance Esthetics for better servicing.


Due to unforeseen constraints, the interactive chatbot had to be delayed until further notice. Still looking to solve this user problem, I explored an alternative. The skin quiz feature would guide clients through a series of questions and deliver the best service according to skin type and concern. The feature could be easily developed and maintained with a swift turnaround. This was the best solution while still offering clients the assistance they needed.


Conversation UX

To begin designing the skin quiz, I documented and categorized all of the services we offered by skin type and concern. I then structured these services according to a RBL (rule base language) to use as a user flow. This conversation flow helped me construct the flow of events that users would experience throughout the quiz and how users would arrive at their desired results.



Low Fidelity Designs

After the rule-based copy and conversational flow was developed I began designing the UI’s experience. It was important to lay information out in accordance with its relevancy. In this way, the model would follow a wizarding user flow, guiding users to an intended outcome.



Final Designs

The final designs retained the simplicity needed for a simple user experience. After all inputs are made, the user is then shown results with a CTA for booking.



Measuring Success

98% of users interviewed felt the quiz assisted them in booking more complimentary services. Unintentionally, this feature also increased bookings as existing clients were more encouraged to try new services. The ease of use streamlined administrative processes, allowing front desk services more time to assist clients with more complex issues.

The Skin Quiz feature proved to be immensely helpful to longtime and first-time clients. As a result of its assistance, Sundance Esthetics increased client sales by 9% with an increased client retention by 27%.

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